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Can Dogs Eat Funyuns? A Crunchy Conundrum

A lot of people enjoy the crunchy texture and zingy onion flavor of funyuns as a snack. These maize rings with an onion flavor have grown in popularity among both children and adults. What about our canine friends, though? As dog owners, we frequently ponder whether it’s OK to give our dogs treats like Funyuns.

can dog eat funyuns

Dogs have different nutritional needs than humans, so not all people food is safe for them to eat. Onions contain a substance that can be harmful to dogs if enough is consumed. So should Funyuns, with their onion seasoning, be kept away from your dog? In this article, we’ll explore the ingredients in Funyuns, potential risks of feeding them to dogs, and how much Funyuns is too much for a dog to eat safely.

We’ll also provide some dog-friendly snack alternatives so you can avoid feeding your dog something that may end up making them sick. By the end, you’ll know whether or not you can safely share a Funyun or two with your furry friend.

What Are Funyuns?

Frito-Lay first introduced the Funyuns brand of maize snacks in 1969. They have a crispy texture and a ring-like form. They come in a variety of sizes and tastes, including original, flamin’ hot, steakhouse onion, and wasabi. In the US, Canada, Mexico, and a few other nations, funyuns are a favorite treat.

The Ingredients in Funyuns


According to the official website of Frito-Lay, the ingredients in Funyuns original flavor are:

  • Enriched corn meal (corn meal, ferrous sulfate, niacin, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, and folic acid)
  • Vegetable oil (corn, canola, and/or sunflower oil)
  • Salt
  • Less than 2% of the following: corn starch, sugar, corn flour, buttermilk, maltodextrin (made from corn), onion powder, monosodium glutamate (MSG), hydrolyzed corn protein, dextrose, garlic powder, natural flavors (including natural onion flavor), and gum arabic
  • As you can see, Funyuns contain a lot of artificial ingredients, preservatives, and additives that are not good for dogs or humans.

Are Funyuns Safe For Dogs To Eat?

No, Funyuns are not safe for dogs to eat. There are several reasons why Funyuns are bad for dogs:

Onion and garlic powder

Garlic and onion can harm a dog’s red blood cells, resulting in anemia. They are toxic to dogs. Additional symptoms of onion and garlic poisoning include respiratory problems, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and general weakness. Over time, dogs can get harmed by even trace levels of onion and garlic.

High fat and sodium

The excessive fat and sodium content in funyuns can lead to obesity, pancreatitis, high blood pressure, renal damage, and heart issues in canines. Your dog may become thirsty and dehydrated from eating too much fat and sodium[1].


MSG is a taste enhancer that can make certain dogs allergic. Itching, swelling, hives, breathing problems, and anaphylactic shock are all indications of MSG sensitivity. MSG can harm your dog’s brain or cause migraines, seizures, or other nervous system problems.

Other ingredients

Funyuns have additional substances that might harm dogs as well. As an illustration, dogs frequently experience skin issues from allergies to maize. Diabetes and decaying teeth are both brought on by sugar. Behavior issues and hyperactivity can be driven by artificial flavors and colors.

Potential Risks of Feeding Dogs Funyuns

Your dog might not exhibit any symptoms of disease if you occasionally or unintentionally feed them Funyuns. However, over time, giving your dog Funyuns could have adverse health consequences. Dogs who are fed Funyuns might face the following risks:

risk of feeding dogs funyuns


As mentioned earlier, onion and garlic can damage your dog’s red blood cells and cause anemia. Anemia is a condition where your dog has a low number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in their blood. Hemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen to the tissues. Anemia can make your dog pale, weak, tired, and prone to infections.


Pancreatitis is a disorder where the pancreas of your dog becomes inflamed as a result of excessive fat or other factors. The pancreas is an organ responsible for producing hormones and digesting enzymes. Along with vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fever, dehydration, and shock, pancreatitis can also result in severe abdominal pain. If not treated right away, pancreatitis can be fatal.

Kidney failure

Once your dog’s kidneys fail, they are incapable of removing waste from the blood. High blood pressure, dehydration, toxins, infections, or other disorders may result in kidney failure. Increased thirst, frequent urination, tiredness, poor breath, mouth ulcers, and seizures are among the many indications of kidney failure. If not effectively treated, kidney failure can be fatal.

Heart disease

Heart disease is a disorder where your dog’s heart weakens or suffers damage for a wide range of reasons. Heart disease can be driven by other illnesses, high blood pressure, obesity, heredity, or other factors. Coughing, difficulty in breathing, a lack of ability to exercise, fatigue, and swelling are among some of the signs of heart disease. Sudden death or cardiac failure are two results of heart disease.

As mention by petmd, "Dogs, like children, will realize that if they do X (whine, cry, beg), human will do Y (feed me, drop food, etc.). Breaking this behavior can be extremely difficult and time consuming; it is best to never start it in the first place."

How Much is Too Much Funyuns for a Dog?

There is no safe amount of Funyuns for a dog to eat. Even a small amount of Funyuns can be harmful to your dog’s health. The toxicity of onion and garlic depends on the amount ingested, the size of the dog, and the duration of exposure.

According to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center, ingestion of 0.5% of a dog’s body weight of onion or garlic can cause clinical signs of toxicity. For example, a 10-pound dog would only need to eat about 0.8 ounces of onion or garlic to experience toxicity. That is equivalent to about 4 Funyuns rings.

How to Treat Your Dog if They Eat Funyuns

You should call your veterinarian immediately if your dog eats a Funyun. The level of urgency of the condition can be identified by your veterinarian, who can then recommend the best course of action. Your veterinarian might recommend one or more of the following remedies, depending on the level and timing of ingestion:

Dog treatment

Inducing vomiting

If your dog ate Funyuns within the last two hours, your veterinarian may instruct you to induce vomiting at home using hydrogen peroxide or a veterinary product. This can help remove some of the Funyuns from your dog’s stomach and prevent further absorption.

Activated charcoal

An ingredient called activated charcoal has the ability to bind to poisons to prevent them away from the bloodstream. Activated charcoal may be provided to your dog orally or through a tube by your veterinarian. This might decrease the negative effects of eating excessive garlic or onions.

Fluid therapy

Fluid therapy is a procedure where your dog receives fluids intravenously or subcutaneously. This can help rehydrate your dog, flush out toxins, and support kidney function.

Blood transfusion

Your dog receives blood from a donor dog following a blood transfusion. If your dog has profound anemia, this might help in increasing their red blood cell count and oxygen levels.


To deal with specific Funyuns poisoning symptoms or complications, your veterinarian might prescribe medicine. including anti-nausea medications, painkillers, antibiotics, or steroids.

Healthy Alternatives to Funyuns for Your Dog

Avoid giving your dog treats like Funyuns and other harmful or dangerous human foods if you wish to. Instead, pick wholesome substitutes that are created especially for dogs or dog-safe natural foods. For your dog, some examples of healthy substitutes for Funyuns include:

Healthy dog treats

Dog biscuits

Dog biscuits are crispy treats created specifically to meet the nutritional requirements of dogs. They come in a variety of tastes, forms, and dimensions. They are available online and in pet supply stores. Always read the label to ensure that there are no dangerous additives, such as onion or garlic, in the product.


Vegetables that are crisp and rich in fiber and vitamin A are carrots. They are helpful in improving your dog’s digestion and eyesight. Carrots can be added to your dog’s meal or provided to them as a snack. Before providing carrots to your dog, make sure to wash, peel, and slice them into small pieces[2].

Apple slices

Juicy fruits like apples are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. They benefit the skin and immune systems of your dog. Slices of fresh or dried apples can be given to your dog as a treat or combined with their diet. Before feeding an apple to your dog, make sure you remove the seeds and core and cut the fruit into little pieces.

Peanut butter

Rich in protein and good fats, peanut butter is a creamy spread. It benefits your dog’s coat and muscles. Peanut butter can be used as a treat for your dog or as a filler for toys or bones. Always choose for authentic peanut butter with no added sugar, salt, or other synthetic flavors.


What happens if my dog eats Funyuns accidentally?

No, it’s not recommended to feed Funyuns to dogs. They contain ingredients that can be harmful to dogs, particularly onions and excessive amounts of salt.

Are there any long-term health risks associated with feeding Funyuns to dogs?

Repeated or prolonged exposure to onions, such as from consuming Funyuns, can lead to cumulative health issues in dogs. These may include anemia and damage to internal organs, making it crucial to prevent any consumption of onion-containing foods.

Can Funyuns be particularly dangerous for certain dog breeds?

Yes, some dog breeds are more sensitive to the toxins in onions, such as Japanese breeds like Shiba Inus and Akitas. However, all dogs can be affected, so it’s best to avoid giving Funyuns to any breed.

How much Funyuns is considered a dangerous amount for dogs?

There is no exact “safe” threshold for onion consumption in dogs. Even small amounts of onions can potentially harm dogs, so it’s best to avoid giving them Funyuns altogether.

How can I ensure my dog doesn’t have access to harmful foods like Funyuns?

To prevent your dog from eating harmful foods, keep human snacks out of their reach and ensure that family members and guests are aware of the importance of not feeding dogs human food without your approval.


It’s best to avoid offering your dog Funyuns or any other foods that have an onion flavor. Even small amounts of the onion flavoring can be harmful to dogs over time if enough of it is consumed. providing your dog a Funyun once in a while won’t necessarily harm them, but offering them frequently or in excessive quantities could have adverse effects. Due to their high levels of salt and fat, funyuns are not the ideal snack for dogs.


  1. Dacvim, D. E. L. D. M. (2023, May 11). What Nutrients are Essential for My Pet? Clinical Nutrition Service at Cummings School.
  2. Team, C. N. (2017b, November 2). What are safe and healthy treats for my pet? Clinical Nutrition Service at Cummings School.