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Why Does My Dog Lick My Bed Sheets? Reasons Explained

As pet owners, we cherish our furry companions and strive to provide them with the best care possible. However, sometimes our dogs’ behavior can leave us puzzled and concerned. One of the common behaviors that may puzzle dog owners is why their beloved pups lick bed sheets.

While it may seem harmless or even cute at first, excessive licking of bed sheets can be a sign of underlying medical or behavioral issues. In this article, we will explore the reasons why dogs lick bed sheets, ranging from natural instincts to medical conditions and stress-induced behaviors.

We will also provide tips on how to prevent and treat excessive licking to ensure the well-being of our furry friends. Understanding why our dogs engage in this behavior is crucial for giving them the best care and strengthening the bond between us and our four-legged companions.

Reasons Why Does My Dog Lick My Bed Sheets

Dogs exhibit various behaviors that often baffle their owners. One of these behaviors is licking bed sheets. Pet owners may find this behavior cute or harmless, but it could be a sign of underlying medical or behavioral issues. Below are some of the reasons why dogs lick bed sheets:

  • Natural instinct: Dogs have an instinctual desire to groom themselves and others, which includes licking. Licking is a natural behavior that dogs use to clean themselves and bond with others. When they lick their bed sheets, it could be a sign of their natural grooming behavior.
  • Medical issues: Excessive licking of bed sheets could be a symptom of an underlying medical issue. Dogs may lick their bed sheets to alleviate skin irritation or discomfort caused by allergies, hot spots, or infections. Therefore, if you notice your dog licking their bed sheets excessively, it is essential to have them checked by a veterinarian.
  • Stress and anxiety: Dogs may display stress and anxiety through obsessive licking behaviors. If a dog is going through changes in routine, experiencing separation anxiety, or feeling bored, they may engage in excessive licking to alleviate their anxiety. In such cases, it is essential to address the underlying causes of the anxiety.
  • Breed tendencies: Some dog breeds are prone to excessive licking behaviors. For instance, breeds such as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Golden Retriever are known to exhibit excessive licking behaviors.
  • Attention-seeking behavior: Dogs may engage in excessive licking of bed sheets to seek attention from their owners. If they are not getting enough attention or interaction, they may resort to licking behaviors to get noticed.
  • Scent-marking: Dogs have a keen sense of smell and use their saliva to scent-mark objects, including bed sheets. When dogs lick bed sheets, they may be leaving their scent as a way of marking their territory.
  • Boredom: Dogs that are left alone for extended periods without enough stimulation may engage in excessive licking as a way of relieving boredom. This behavior is especially common in younger dogs that require a lot of physical and mental stimulation.
  • Habitual behavior: Some dogs develop habitual licking behaviors, including licking bed sheets, as a result of boredom, stress, or other factors. This behavior may become ingrained, and the dog may continue to engage in excessive licking even when the underlying cause is no longer present.

How to Stop Your Dog Licking Your Sheets

Excessive licking of bed sheets by dogs can be a concern for pet owners. This behavior can lead to hygiene issues and may be a sign of underlying medical or behavioral problems. Here are some tips on how to stop your dog from licking your sheets:

  • Provide enough physical and mental stimulation: Dogs that are not getting enough exercise and mental stimulation may engage in excessive licking as a way to relieve boredom. Providing enough exercise and mental stimulation, such as playing fetch or teaching new tricks, can help reduce excessive licking.
  • Distract with toys or treats: If you catch your dog licking bed sheets, distract them with a toy or treat to redirect their attention. This can help break the habit of licking bed sheets.
  • Use deterrent sprays: There are sprays available that can be applied to bed sheets to deter dogs from licking them. These sprays typically have an unpleasant taste or smell that dogs do not like.
  • Address underlying medical issues: If your dog’s excessive licking of bed sheets is due to an underlying medical condition, it is essential to address the issue with the help of a veterinarian. Treating the medical condition can help alleviate the behavior.
  • Address underlying behavioral issues: Dogs may engage in excessive licking due to stress, anxiety, or boredom. Identifying the underlying cause and addressing it can help alleviate the behavior. This may include providing more attention and affection, adjusting routines, or using calming aids like pheromone diffusers or calming supplements.
  • Positive reinforcement training: Reward your dog with praise and treats when they engage in other behaviors instead of licking bed sheets. This can help reinforce positive behaviors and reduce the habit of licking bed sheets.


Is it safe for my dog to lick bed sheets?

While licking bed sheets may not be harmful to your dog’s health, excessive licking can lead to hygiene issues and may be a sign of underlying medical or behavioral problems. It is essential to monitor your dog’s licking behavior and address any issues that may arise.

Are there any natural remedies to stop my dog from licking bed sheets?

Using natural remedies, such as apple cider vinegar or lemon juice on bed sheets, may help prevent dogs from licking them; however, it is necessary to make sure that these remedies are safe for your dog and do not cause any negative effects.

Can I train my dog to stop licking bed sheets?

Positive reinforcement training can be effective in helping your dog to break the habit of licking bed sheets. This can be achieved by rewarding alternative behaviors, redirecting attention, and providing enough stimulation.

Is excessive licking of bed sheets a sign of a serious medical condition?

Excessive licking of bed sheets may be a sign of underlying medical issues, such as allergies, infections, or skin conditions. If the behavior persists or worsens, it is essential to seek veterinary help to identify any underlying medical conditions and provide appropriate treatment.


In conclusion, excessive licking of bed sheets by dogs can be a sign of underlying medical or behavioral issues. While it may seem harmless or even cute at first, it is essential to monitor your dog’s behavior and address any concerns that may arise.

Understanding why dogs engage in this behavior, ranging from natural instincts to medical conditions and stress-induced behaviors, is crucial in providing the best care for our furry companions. By providing enough exercise, mental stimulation, and attention, using deterrent sprays, addressing underlying medical and behavioral issues, and using positive reinforcement training, you can help reduce your dog’s excessive licking of bed sheets.

If the behavior persists or worsens, it is essential to seek veterinary help to identify any underlying medical conditions and provide appropriate treatment. By taking care of our furry friends’ physical and emotional needs, we can strengthen the bond between us and our four-legged companions.