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Why Does My Dog Sleep On My Clothes?

Known for their loving and affectionate nature, dogs often show it with activities like licking their owner’s face, wagging their tail, or cuddling up close to them. An aspect that many owners have noticed is that of the dog sleeping on their clothes.

Have you ever pondered why your furry friend opts to sleep on your clothes rather than their own bed or a comfy blanket, even though it may seem cute and endearing?

Dog Sleeps on Clothes
remik44992 – Shutterstock

In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this behavior and what you can do about it. We’ll take a closer look at why dogs find comfort in sleeping on their owner’s clothes, and how it relates to their instinctual behavior.

We’ll also discuss the potential underlying issues that could cause this behavior, and provide practical tips on how to address it. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of your dog’s behavior and how to create a comfortable sleeping environment for both you and your furry friend.

Reasons Why Dogs Sleep on Their Owners’ Clothes

There are several reasons why dogs sleep on their owner’s clothes. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Scent comfort: Dogs have an excellent sense of smell and are attracted to the scent of their owners. Sleeping on their owner’s clothes can provide a sense of comfort and security as they can smell their owner’s scent even when they are not around.
Scent Comfort From Clothes
marcoventuriniautieri – iStock
  • Pack behavior: Dogs are pack animals and often view their owners as part of their pack. Sleeping on their owner’s clothes can be a way of bonding and feeling closer to their pack leader.
  • Anxiety and stress relief: Dogs can experience anxiety and stress, and sleeping on their owner’s clothes can provide a calming effect. The scent of their owner can help to reduce their anxiety levels and help them feel more relaxed.
Dog Sleeping Peacefully
Stella Bonatto Studio – Shutterstock
  • Warmth and comfort: Dogs are naturally drawn to warmth and may sleep on their owner’s clothes if they are looking for a warm and comfortable place to rest. Clothes that have just been worn by their owner may retain body heat, which can be appealing to dogs.
Evrymmnt – iStock
  • Attention-seeking behavior: Dogs are social animals and crave attention from their owners. Sleeping on their owner’s clothes may be a way of seeking attention and affection from them.
  • Familiarity and routine: Dogs thrive on routine and familiarity. Sleeping on their owner’s clothes may be a part of their daily routine, and they may find comfort in the familiar scent and feel of the clothes.
  • Separation anxiety: Dogs can experience separation anxiety when their owner is not around. Sleeping on their owner’s clothes may provide a sense of security and comfort when they are alone.
Igor Normann – Shutterstock

What to Do If Your Dog Sleeps on Your Clothes?

If your dog is constantly sleeping on your clothes, there are several things you can do to address this behavior. Here are some practical tips:

  • Encourage your dog to sleep in their own bed: Furnish your dog with a bed designed for maximum comfort and coziness. To motivate them to use it, fill it with treats, toys or blankets that are already familiar to them.
Dog Bed
Daniel Besic – iStock
  • Positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats or praise when they sleep in their own bed, which will encourage them to repeat the behavior rather than on your clothes.
  • Provide alternative comfort items: Provide your dog with a designated comfort item that has your scent on it if they are attracted to you, such as an old t-shirt or blanket that you have used for them to sleep on.
  • Make their bed more appealing: Place your dog’s bed in a quiet and comfortable area of your home to make it more appealing, and consider adding a cozy blanket or toy that your dog enjoys playing with. bed more inviting by putting it in a tranquil and comfortable area of your house. Additionally, think about adding a soft blanket or one of their favorite toys to the bed for extra comfort.
JohnnyGreig – Shutterstock
  • Address underlying issues:If your dog’s behavior continues, it could be indicative of an underlying anxiety or stress. Consult your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to address these matters.
  • Be patient and consistent: It may take time and patience to alter your dog’s behavior, but staying consistent with training and positive reinforcement could eventually yield the desired results, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate effects.


Is it normal for my dog to sleep on my clothes?

Yes, it is a common behavior among dogs. Sleeping on their owner’s clothes is often a sign of affection and comfort-seeking.

Should I allow my dog to sleep on my clothes?

It is up to personal preference. However, it is important to ensure that your dog is not ingesting any harmful substances and that you are providing them with a comfortable and safe sleeping environment.

Is my dog sleeping on my clothes a sign of separation anxiety?

It could be. Dogs with separation anxiety may seek comfort and security by sleeping on their owner’s clothes.

Should I seek professional help if my dog’s behavior persists?

If your dog’s behavior persists or you are concerned about their well-being, it may be a good idea to consult with your veterinarian or a professional dog trainer to address any underlying issues.


In conclusion, dogs sleeping on their owner’s clothes is a common behavior that can be attributed to various reasons such as comfort-seeking, warmth, and familiarity. While this behavior can be endearing, it may become problematic if it interferes with your daily routine or if it poses a risk to your dog’s health.

By providing your dog with a comfortable and cozy bed of their own, encouraging positive behavior, and addressing any underlying issues, you can create a comfortable sleeping environment for your furry friend while also maintaining a healthy and hygienic living space for yourself.

Remember to be patient and consistent in your training, and seek professional help if necessary. Ultimately, with proper care and attention, you and your dog can enjoy a happy and harmonious living environment.